The safety and accessibility of drinking-water are major concerns
throughout the world. Health risks may arise from consumption of water
contaminated with infectious agents, toxic chemicals, and radiological
hazards. Improving access to safe drinking-water can result in tangible
improvements to health. US has one of safe drinking water supply in whole world
Water collect from underground source .Superior type of water because a lot of minerals in it and excellent taste .Excellent source for factories to collect water from underground source .The water contains a lot of minerals in it if you have your own source regular check taste for impurities and you use as commercial repute.
Better water then tap water .There are multiple ways to filter the water i-e most common direct application of filter to tap water ,or through water cooler ,use of charcoal and others. Important is that to regular change of filter to inhibit any contamination .
Excellent way to get pure and clear water plus added traces of essential vitamins but they easily contaminated so keep eye on taste and clarity of well water .
The water we get in tap is mains/tap water .Chlorine is added to that water for purification because major microorganisms are killed by chlorine but it taste the water different .When you use this water first purify it by boiling(boiling kills microorganisms but doesn't remove chemicals from water so better is that ), refrigeration (refrigeration covert chlorine to gas so after chilling taste will improve ).
This type of water obtain after heating water which convert into steam then condensed back into water .Good for machines and other stuff but not as drinking water because of no minerals (zero osmolarity) and pull's body water out so don't use until no other source is available .
Water that have high level of minerals form from when percolates through magnesium containing and calcium containing minerals i-e dolomite ,lime stone .It isisn't harmful for health .
People must know from where the water come which they drinking and according to that type of water which they using adjust how much treatment is require to complete purified it.
There are multiple sources of water as we all know that important is that the water we drink coming from which source as the taste of water depends on its source .Some major sources of drinking water .SPRING WATER
Water collect from underground source .Superior type of water because a lot of minerals in it and excellent taste .Excellent source for factories to collect water from underground source .The water contains a lot of minerals in it if you have your own source regular check taste for impurities and you use as commercial repute.
Better water then tap water .There are multiple ways to filter the water i-e most common direct application of filter to tap water ,or through water cooler ,use of charcoal and others. Important is that to regular change of filter to inhibit any contamination .
Excellent way to get pure and clear water plus added traces of essential vitamins but they easily contaminated so keep eye on taste and clarity of well water .
The water we get in tap is mains/tap water .Chlorine is added to that water for purification because major microorganisms are killed by chlorine but it taste the water different .When you use this water first purify it by boiling(boiling kills microorganisms but doesn't remove chemicals from water so better is that ), refrigeration (refrigeration covert chlorine to gas so after chilling taste will improve ).
This type of water obtain after heating water which convert into steam then condensed back into water .Good for machines and other stuff but not as drinking water because of no minerals (zero osmolarity) and pull's body water out so don't use until no other source is available .
Water that have high level of minerals form from when percolates through magnesium containing and calcium containing minerals i-e dolomite ,lime stone .It isisn't harmful for health .
People must know from where the water come which they drinking and according to that type of water which they using adjust how much treatment is require to complete purified it.
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