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Adverse effect on body due to excess accumulation of body fat which lead to reduce the life expectancy of individual subject also have major health manifestations this is classified as the obesity.Or more precisely if your body mass index (BMI) is greater than 30.0 you are suppose to be obese.Body mass index(BMI) can be calculated by mass(kg)/(height in meter)2 . On the basis of BM index i can able to distinguish between obesity ,overweight and normal or under weight.
  • If BMI is <18.5 it mean underweight 
  • If BMI is in between 18.5-24.9 normal
  • If BMI is in between 25.0-29.9 overweight
  • If BMI is in between  30.0-34.9 class 1 obesity      
  •  If BMI is in between  35.0-39.9 class 2 obesity     
  •  If BMI is greater or equal to 40.0 than class 3 obesity   
Now you are able to self categorized.  
Another criteria which can classify the Abdominal obesity is Waist/Hip ratio 
  • If waist/hip ratio is above than 0.9(males) ,0.85(females) OR BMI is more than 30.0
  • Abdominal obesity is of two types first one is "Apple shape" in which excess fat is around belly which is more dangerous than the "Pear shape" in which excess fat is around the hip (male with waste 40 inch in female 39 inch consider obese).Why obesity is important to know because due to this in USA 111,909-365,000 deaths per year and in Europe this amount is 1 million deaths per year.  

Deposition of fat to various organ of body is dependent onto the bad guy ;low density lipoprotein (LDL) because dietary fat from gut is delivered to liver from there cholesterol (the fat) taken up by LDL and delivered it toward the periphery(toward body organs) and deposited there ,it mean when ever the LDL level is high more fat is deposited onto body.Counterpart of LDL is high density lipoprotein (HDL) the good guy which deliver the peripheral fat toward liver for metabolism and excretion hence reduction in fat content of body.In nut shell raised of HDL is good but LDL is alarm to you.[recommended level of total cholesterol(hdl,ldl and 20% of total TAG) is less than 200 mg/dl ,borderline is 200 to 239 mg/dl ,greater than 240 is high].

The dietary fats are 
  • monounsaturated fat
  • polyunsaturated fat 
  • saturated fat
  • trans fat
Good fat is monounsturated and polyunsaturated because good for heart ,vessels and for our health.Bad fats are saturated and trans fats which harms to body.

Most frequently asked question by patient answer is simple as follow.

Diet play the most important role in obesity.If you able to control your diet plane you are able to control the obesity easily.Manage your time in such a way that feeding is on fix time avoid feeding all the time.

Use monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats 
  • Monounsaturated fat rich foods:
Nuts(almonds,peanuts,hazel nut,cashews,pecan)
Avocados,Olives,Peanut butter, 

  • Polyunsaturated fats rich food:
Oils ( soybean,corn,safflower),
Walnuts,Sunflower sesame pumpkins and falxseed,Tofu,Soymilk.

Saturated and trans fat are less use or better to avoid .
  • Saturated fat foods:
Meat(beef,lump,pork),Chicken with skin,
ice cream,chess,butter,Palm and coconut oil,
Whole fat dietary product(milk,cream),lard.

  • Trans fat rich foods:
Commercially baked(pastries,pizza dough,muffins,dough-nut,cookies),
Fried foods(chicken nuggets,breaded fish,French fries,fried chicken)
Packaged snaked food(microwaves,pop corn ,crackers,chips),
Stick margarine,vegetable shortening,Candy bar.

Exercise play major role in obesity.Exercise metabolized your's fat content hence reduction in body total fat load,it boost up immunity,also activate phospholipase which help in degradation of fat,exercise keep the person healthy ,exercise increase your muscle activity,it raised the HDL level.Recommended 30 min brisk walk daily help to stay health ,regular home or gym exercise also excellent. 

Change your life style because the obesity is disease of sedentary lifestyle people.Daily workout is essentially included to your's lifestyle. 30 min brisk walk is mandatory .

Fruits is important part of diet daily 4 to 5 fruit serving for healthy life.Green leaf vegetable is essential for healthy living.

  • Never starve your self
  • Take proper sleep
  • Never overexert yourself if exercise 5 time a week take 2 day rest.

  • Diabetes
  • hyperlipidenemia(LDL level increase)
  • More chances of other diseases
  • Stroke and hemorrhages
  • Vessel narrowing (atherosclerosis)
  • kidney failure
Obesity has high relapse rate mostly or 95% people lose weight regain within 5 years.


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