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Showing posts from July, 2015


Alcohol is psychoactive substance cause worldwide 3.3 million deaths every year represent 5.1% of all deaths majority 25% of them are age group between 20 to 39 (according to WHO). It involve in more then 200 diseases and fertile soil for tuberculosis and HIV. Alcohol have no nutrition value an Ounce of alcohol have greater then 200 calorie with zero nutrition value despite it reduces absorption of essential vitamins(vitamin A,B, C..) and other substance( folic acid, Mg, Selenium, ), it also depleted the antioxidant of body. Teenager show longitudinal aspect of alcohol. Epitatic effect a sweet poison feel by person taking alcohol in starting; that is positive attitude of alcohol (person feel happy with that).   ALCOHOL ADDICTION My genius professor compare " Alcohol addiction as   Falling of love with someone".  There are plenty of reason leading to deadly habit of alcohol addiction here i briefly try to simplify as such possible.         1. Al...


D engue has emerged since in 1950s as worldwide problem by first recognition of dengue hemorrhagic fever during endemic in Thailand and Philippine. Dengue effect as many as 400 million people are infected each year, more then one-third of world's population living in dengue risk affected areas. An estimate tells 500,000 people with sever dengue require hospitalization  each year large proportion of whom are children  and 2.5% of effected dies. Real culprit is dengue virus carried by mosquitoes; which is leading cause of death in tropics and subtropics rarely occur in United states but endemic in Rico ,Puerto, Latin America, Southeast Asia and Pacific island.   SEROTYPES Four closely related to each other is DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 ,DEN-4 .Recovery from each serotype provide lifelong immunity against that particular serotype. TRANSMISSION Aedes aegypti female mosquito is a primary vector for dengue. Lives in urban and breed in container made by humans it is a day...