Waste is manage to minimize the consequences on the living life and the environment as well. The environment is effective by some waste after or during the process of managing but not doing anything to it is not a good idea. After we throw our waste (it may be of any kind) we hardly think about that where it goes, what happen to them, actually we are not bother to think about it. Once the trash leave the home it is not over yet it begin its long journey when they transported to appropriate center for managing the waste and make it suitable that doesn't impact on human life. There are popular method of managing the waste 1.Incineration of waste 2.Sanitary landfills The countries chooses according to their availability of landfill or they burn the waste down. INCINERATION OF WASTE Simply means burning of waste. In this all the trash put into a big chamber and burn it down some have litter chamber for domestic to larger once for the municipal use this process of managing th...
Life is so simple,don't try to make it complicated!