DIETARY FIBER Dietary fiber(roughage,ruffage) is important part of our daily diet.On the basis of age fiber is required into daily diet requirement."Fiber is part of diet which is non digestible through our digestive system and make bulk of diet"e-g plums and prunes. SOLUBLE FIBER Part of fiber with dissolved in water and fermented in colon to gases and other by products this can slow movement of food from colon.Soluble fiber found in various quantities in all plants. Legume family(beans,peas,lupins) Nuts with almond (high ratio) Oat,chin,barley,rye Some fruits(ripe banana,berries,plums,prunes,avocados,and skin of apple,pears,quinces). Some vegetables(carrot),root vegetable like sweet potatos ,onions(skin rich source of insoluble fibers),and root-tubers flax seeds INSOLUBLE FIBER Can't digest by our digestive tract can't water soluble ,bulking fiber in water easy movement and help in defecation.Some important food rich in insoluble fibers. Legu...
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