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Showing posts from August, 2013

Diabetes Sign symptom

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW THAT  D iabetes is one of the most important disease facing today .What is diabetes? diabetes is simply the unbalance between the blood Glucose present in blood and the tissue glucose which is absorbed from blood under the influence of the INSULIN(hormone) if the insulin is either not present totally from birth (The type 1) or small amount release into blood(The type 2 major one).Insulin is secreted by pancreas.      According to WHO statistic; Diabetes epidemic an estimated that 30 million people around the world had diabetes in 1995 the figure is 135 million,in 2000 the 177 million people involve.WHO estimate that in 2025 at least 300 million people involve. Previously estimate 800,000 deaths underestimated but 4 million deaths per year about 9% of global total .The death is due to the mainly Cardiovascular disorder(complication). Some important statistic about DIABETES MELLITUS ;more than 346 million people around world effecte...


S oft drink cover all Beverages with added sugar or other sweetener include soda,fruit punch,lemonade,sport drink and Energy drink. Using of soft drinks now a day is good for health or it is bad ?why we want to know! because the majority even everyone using soda in even couple of hrs across the world(more use in develop countries). A soft drink is a beverage that typically contains water, usually a sweetener, and usually a flavouring agent. The sweetener may be sugar, High-Fructose Corn Syrup, fruit juice, sugar substitutes or some combination of these. IS USING SOFT BEVERAGES IS GOOD FOR HEALTH OR BAD?! GOOD FACTS ! S oft drink using is good . HIGH YIELD OF GLUCOSE IN BLOOD  S oft drink is full of sugar.By using the soft drink we can achieve high glucose level which is good for high energy work but with in limits. Discontinous use might be ok. ADDING OF ARTIFICIAL FLAVOUR (erythritol,xylotiol)   T he using of artificial flavour loose weight because they re...